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Patient experience of care

2023 National Cancer Patient Experience of Care Survey (CPES) results published

By 24th July 2024No Comments

The 2023 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) results have been published.

The survey aims to understand people’s experiences of cancer care, and the insight provided in the survey is used to improve the quality of NHS cancer services.

CPES is conducted every year by Picker, on behalf of NHS England.

The survey asks a variety of questions to gauge people’s experience of care, including how involved patients felt in decisions about their care, whether the information they were given was easy to understand, and whether they felt they had enough support from staff.

The 2023 CPES was completed by 1,930 patients in Humber and North Yorkshire, resulting in a 55% response rate. This compares favourably to the national response rate of 52% (63,438).

The Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance-area CPES results can be viewed here.

The 2023 Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance CPES results yielded no scores above or below the expected range. This means that the Cancer Alliance achieved scores for all questions expected by NHS England based on the size of our alliance and the demographics within the region.

Patient experience of care is incredibly important and it is a testament to the hard-working NHS staff that patients in the Humber and North Yorkshire area have given a rating of 8.9 out of 10 for overall experience of care.

Lucy Turner, Managing Director of Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance, said: “Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance welcomes the publication of the 2023 CPES results, a key indicator of how people who use cancer services in our area are finding this experience.

“The Cancer Alliance will work in partnership with the organisations in our region which provide cancer services to review the CPES results to understand what aspects of cancer services are working well and identify areas where improvements need to be made.”

CPES results are available at trust, Integrated Care System, Cancer Alliance and national level. They can be viewed here.

For more information about the CPES, please visit

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