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Cancer Alliance

An image of the Humber Bridge, taken at sunrise from below the bridge on the Hull side of the estuary. The fields behind the South Bank can be seen in the distance, on the other side of the water.

3rd November 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Had the first Programme Executive on 03 November 2017
  • Continued to monitor and support the delivery of the 62 day waiting standard
  • Agreed new TORs for Programme Board, SPAM Group and Programme Executive to be included for consideration at the next programme Board on 13th November 2017
  • Had the LWAB Delivery Board meeting on 30 October 2017
  • Had initial discussions around a roadmap to an Accountable Care System and its implications for cancer. Topic to be presented at the next Board meeting by STP Programme Director
  • Started financial modelling work to determine the financial impact for the health economy of the transformation elements of the programme
  • Preparations for the improving lung cancer stakeholder event on 01/12/12 are ongoing. An event registration page has been created on Eventbrite and will be circulated this week. The workshops will help support the Treatment & Pathways work stream
  • It was discussed and agreed that due to the event being a clinical forum that patients will not be invited to attend this Tim invite patients this time. There are a number of future opportunities lined up to engage with patients and ensure their voices are heard
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 10 November 2017
    • Friday 17 November 2017

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

Email: [email protected];

Mobile: 07564157793

October 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Updated news and information in the Cancer Alliance website
  • Continued discussions with stakeholders about the role of the HCV Cancer Alliance, which will involve further discussions about Terms of Reference for the Programme Board
  • Continued the production of detailed programme plans
  • Continued to monitor and support the delivery of the 62 day waiting standard
  • Organised and delivered the Local Digital Roadmap Workshop —Living with
    and Beyond Cancer on 13 October 2017
  • Organised the Improving Lung Cancer Stakeholder Event to take place on 1st December 2017 which will involve patients, commissioners and clinicians as part of our Early Diagnosis work stream
  • Presented the work of the HCV Cancer Alliance to NHS North Region colleagues in Leeds
  • Agreed with Macmillan to put together a bid to support the Living With and Beyond Cancer work stream, including through the creation of two new roles
  • Engaged with stakeholders for the launch of the System Performance Assurance and Monitoring (SPAM) Group
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 27 October 2017
    • Friday 03 November 2017

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

27 October 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Discussed the capacity modelling work to be done as part of the Diagnostics work stream
  • Continued to monitor and support the delivery of the 62 day waiting standard
  • Discussed process to set up financial controls for the execution of programme resources
  • Continued inviting stakeholders to the Improving Lung Cancer Stakeholder Event to take place on 1st December 2017 which will involve patients, commissioners and clinicians as part of our Early Diagnosis work stream
  • Agreed to present the work of the HCV Cancer Alliance to the CCGs networking event to take place on Thursday 9th November 2017
  • Discussed commissioner representation at the System Performance
  • Assurance and Monitoring (SPAM) Group with commissioners
  • Produced a “Treatment and Pathways” high level work programme for discussion at the Treatment and Pathways Delivery Board meeting to be held on 8th November 2017
  • Programme Director interviewed by KCFM radio news about additional funding for Early Diagnosis work
    • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 03 November 2017
    • Friday 10 November 2017

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

6th October 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Continued discussions about strengthening its governance arrangements
  • Produced a draft Terms of Reference for a SPAM (System Performance, Assurance and Monitoring) Group to provide the programme basic assurance function as well as monitoring the system’s performance against key performance and quality indicators.
  • Produced and discussed a draft Terms of Reference for the Programme
  • Executive Group which will be responsible for the daily management of the programme and making executive decisions within the delegated authority from the Programme Board.
  • Started discussions about Terms of Reference for the Programme Board
  • Received funding approval from NHSE for the Early Diagnosis and Diagnostics Consolidation work streams of the Programme
  • Signed agreements with CRUK and Macmillan to strengthen the programme team with primary care clinical input and stakeholder engagement and communications capacity
  • Started the production of detailed programme plans
  • Continued to monitor and support the delivery of the 62 day waiting standard
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
      • Friday 13 October 2017
      • Friday 20 October 2017

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

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