Brian, a 68 year old ex-smoker from Immingham in North East Lincolnshire, was the very first person in the region to receive a low dose CT scan as part of his Lung Cancer Screening. Although he felt fine, the scan showed that Brian had health conditions he was unaware of. Now he is encouraging everyone who is invited for a lung health check, to book their initial telephone assessment.

Reflecting on his experience of a Lung Cancer Screening, Brain said: “I first received my letter at the start of the year which invited me to have a telephone call with a specially trained nurse. This took just over half an hour.
“I answered questions about my life, especially as I smoked 20 years ago, and I worked on a chemical plant for 30 years.”
Following the telephone assessment, Brian was booked in for an appointment for a low dose CT scan of his lungs.
After the scan, Brian was apprehensive whilst he waited two weeks for his results. Brian said: “I received the letter through the post and thankfully there were no signs of lung cancer, which was a relief. However, they had found mild coronary artery calcification and emphysema, which was good to know.
“Even though I feel well in myself, I was assured that I could contact my GP for any support, and I will be invited for a follow-up appointment in two years.”
Brian’s experience has inspired him to recommend other eligible people to have their lungs checked. Brian said: “Since going for my Lung Cancer Screening I have encouraged my friends and family to take up their appointments when they are invited. You can get help sooner if anything is found.”
Although Brian lived an active lifestyle, he knew it was important to take up the screening when invited. Brian commented: “I can cycle to Grimsby and back, but that didn’t deter me from getting scanned. I know if something is caught early, treatment is more likely to be successful. I’m so glad I had my lungs checked.
“The Lung Cancer Screening team were all so friendly and they explained everything to me and made the process as easy as possible.”
The Lung Cancer Screening service is a potentially life-saving programme that helps patients at highest risk of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases get an earlier diagnosis, often before there are any symptoms displayed.
Smokers and ex-smokers, between the ages of 55 and 74 and registered with a local GP will be eligible for a lung health check. The programme is inviting patients across Humber and North Yorkshire in a phased approach. To find out more about lung health checks, including whether you are eligible and if the service is available in your area, visit the Lung Cancer Screening website.
If you are worried about any symptoms of lung cancer, such as experiencing a cough for three weeks or longer, please contact your GP.