David, from Hull, had never had any problems with his lungs but when he was invited for a Lung Cancer Screening by his GP in January 2022, as an ex-smoker, he thought it would be a good idea to get a check and booked his appointment straight away.
David said: “I was initially contacted by a nurse, who carried out an assessment over the phone with me. I was then invited for a CT scan at the Lidl store car park, Hessle Road, Hull, which was local to me, so really convenient.
“When I arrived at the unit, I was greeted by three members of staff, who instantly made me feel really comfortable,” David recalled. “The whole thing didn’t take long, and I was told I’d be contacted within four weeks.”
Three weeks later David was contacted and told that the scan showed a small growth, called a nodule on his lung. He was then invited to have a spirometry test to check his lung capacity and another CT scan at Castle Hill Hospital.
He explained: “Luckily, I was informed that the nodule was inactive (non cancerous), which was a relief. I’ve been told that I’ll have regular checks to keep an eye on it though, which gives me good piece of mind.”
In addition to the nodule, the scan also found calcification in David’s arteries, which can be an early sign of coronary artery disease and can indicate an increased risk of heart attack. However simple lifestyle changes can help lower your risk.
David said: “The whole experience has been a bit of an early warning and influenced me to make changes to improve my health, such as improving my diet by cutting down on things like cheese and red meat.
“I’m so glad I had the Lung Cancer Screening; it’s given me the chance to take positive steps before it’s too late. I want to encourage others who are invited to take up the offer too, it really can save lives.”