Lung Cancer Screening: Hull

What is Lung Cancer Screening?

Lung Cancer Screening consists of an initial phone consultation with a specialist nurse, who will ask you some questions about your breathing and overall lung health and about your lifestyle, family and medical history.

Following this, you may be offered an ultra-low-dose CT scan to check for early signs of lung cancer or other lung diseases. If you are invited to have a scan, this will take place in a mobile unit at a convenient location within the local community.

How to book

Clinics are taking place in a phased approach by GP practice (see our FAQs for more info). Eligible patients registered with the below GP surgeries are now being invited for Lung Cancer Screening:

  • Wolseley Medical Centre
  • Haxby - Calvert & Newington
  • Oaks Medical Centre
  • Hastings medical centre
  • Princes Medical Centre
  • Modality – Springhead
  • Clifton House
  • St Andrew's Group Practice

If eligible for Lung Cancer Screening, you will receive a letter from your GP inviting you to make an appointment. Simply call the telephone number on your letter to book. Please do not turn up at the mobile unit without an appointment as we will be unable to see you.

What if I’m not eligible but have concerns?

Where is my nearest Lung Cancer Screening mobile unit?

The Lung Cancer Screening mobile unit will be located at different locations across the area to make it easy to access. It is currently located at Morrisons on Holderness Road, Hull HU9 3JA.

Whether you’re travelling by bus, car, or walking, information on how to get to Morrisons can be found here. Free car parking is available in the car park.

What if I am not eligible but have concerns?

Lung Cancer Screenings are being offered to past and present smokers aged between 55 and 74, and who are registered with a local GP. This is because research shows these people are most at risk of developing lung problems.

If you or someone you know does not fit into the criteria for a Lung Cancer Screening but is worried about any of the symptoms below, a GP appointment should be sought as soon as possible:

  • A persistent cough or change in your normal cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Being short of breath
  • Unexplained tiredness or weight loss
  • An ache or pain when breathing or coughing
  • Appetite loss

Find out more

More information is available in this booklet.

An EasyRead version is also available.

If you require information in another language, please contact