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lung cancer prevention

Cancer Alliance welcomes lung screening announcement

By Announcements, Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Lung Health Checks

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance welcomes the Department of Health and Social Care announcement (Monday, 26th June 2023) that a national targeted lung cancer screening programme will be introduced in the coming years, following the successful delivery of the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme in some parts of the country in recent years.

In Humber and North Yorkshire, the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme has already been established in Hull (early 2020) and North East Lincolnshire (early 2023). There are plans to introduce the service in North Lincolnshire in early 2024 and it is expected that the service will be available in all parts of our region by 2028/29.

Lung cancer prevention is one of the Cancer Alliance’s top priorities – as we have several areas in our region where smoking prevalence is well above the national average. Early detection of lung cancer is key – because often lung cancer is symptomless until it is at an advanced stage.

Click here to view the Department for Health and Social Care’s announcement.

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