Excellence in Cancer awards 2024

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance is pleased to launch its inaugural annual Excellence in Cancer awards.

Award Categories

Whether they work in clinical or non-clinical roles, the Cancer Alliance wants to recognise those people responsible for outstanding work to improve lives and treatment for people with cancer in Humber and North Yorkshire.

The award categories are:

Improvement Deevlopment Enhance Refine Growth Motivation Concept

Quality Improvement and Innovation

Do you know any individuals, teams or projects which have used innovation to deliver improvements to existing cancer services which have had a positive impact on patient care? If so, please consider nominating them for the Quality Improvement and Innovation award.

Clinical Leadership

This award recognises clinical leaders who have demonstrated system collaboration to improve care for cancer patients. If so, please consider nominating them for the Clinical Leadership award.

Championing the Patient Voice

Do you know of any individuals, teams or projects which have championed the patient voice by involving patients in their work and used their views to improve experiences for patients, particularly in those communities experiencing the greatest health inequalities. If so, please considering nominating them for the Championing the Patient Voice award.

Going the Extra Mile

This award aims to recognise the unsung heroes – those who go above and beyond in the interest of providing the best possible care for cancer patients – showing resilience, compassion, adaptability or any other favourable quality in the process. If you know of any individuals or teams who fit this bill, please consider nominating them for the Going the Extra Mile award.

How to nominate

Deadline for submitting your nomination is 5pm, Friday 9 August. Any submitted entries after this deadline will not be considered.

A panel of judges will consider each nomination and the winners will be announced at the Cancer Alliance’s annual conference at the Lakeside Conference Centre, York Biotech Campus, in York on Thursday, 19 September.

You can submit your nominations by clicking here.

Rules for entry

  • Self-nominations are not permitted. If you are submitting a nomination it has to be for someone else.
  • Those making nominations are required to complete the nomination form in its entirety, including the rationale for their nomination.
  • In order to be considered, nominees need to make themselves free to attend the awards ceremony at the Cancer Alliance’s annual conference at Lakeside Conference Centre (York Biotech Campus) on Thursday, 19 September.
  • The panel’s decision is final.

For further information please contact the HNY Cancer Alliance team: comms.hnycanceralliance@nhs.net