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Cancer services

Cancer Alliance welcomes 2022 Cancer Patient Experience Survey results

By Announcements, Personalised Care

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance welcomes the publication of the 2022 Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) results.

Now in its 14th year, the CPES results help organisations that commission and provide cancer services to understand what aspects of cancer services are working well and identify areas for improvement.

The NHS survey asks questions such as how and when the cancer was diagnosed, how involved patients felt in decisions about their care and treatment and how much information and support they were given.

The 2022 CPES survey was completed by 1,994 patients in Humber and North Yorkshire, equating to a response rate of 57%. Nationally, the survey was completed by 61,268 people (53% response rate).

The Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance-area CPES results can be viewed here.

The areas for improvement identified in the 2022 survey across the Humber and North Yorkshire area include:

  • Ensuring patients have a main point of contact within care teams
  • Explaining a cancer diagnosis in a way that patients can completely understand

CPES results are available at trust, Integrated Care System, Cancer Alliance and national level. They can be viewed here.

Lucy Turner, Managing Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance, said: “Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance welcomes the results of the 2022 national Cancer Patient Experience Survey. There are some encouraging results for our region and also results which identify areas of cancer care which we can improve upon.

“Once the results have been analysed, we will work with our Cancer Alliance partner organisations, including hospital trusts which provide cancer services in our region, to co-develop and implement improvement plans based on the results of this year’s survey.”

Find out more about the survey by visiting the CPES website.

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