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Cancer Alliance

23rd February 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

The programme this week has:

Agreed and approved at the Awareness & Early Diagnosis Programme Delivery Board to support Business Case for the roll out of FIT in Yorkshire and the Humber (please see business case enclosed)

  • The programme Executive agreed to support the launch of a tobacco campaign in media in July 2018. The campaign will be supported also by Hull Council
  • Launched the ads for the recruitment of 4 Project Managers Band 7 and 1 Project Manager Band 8a. People already working in the health system interested in secondment opportunities please contact the Programme Director Rafael Cicci at [email protected]
  • Agreed with NHSE/I the list of key 15 stakeholders in the health system to the cancer improvement event on 13/03/18 in 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR organised by NHS England North Region. The event is aimed at Cancer Alliances and GM Cancer Vanguards
  • The aim of the event is to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to build energy for change and co-design an improvement programme that will create a platform to facilitate delivery of mutually identified priorities to bring about the following objectives:
    • A combination of strong stakeholder engagement (formal & informal) to enable change o Renewed energy for change
    • Co-production of an outline plan that will be the framework to enable an improvement movement to happen
    • Agreement of identified short and long term outputs and mutual priorities
  • Received confirmation from NHS England in relation to the current position on the use of FIT testing in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients
  • This update is ready to view/download on the Cancer Alliances workspace: (National guidance and documentation > Clinical advice for Alliances) Please cascade to your clinical colleagues as required. If you have any questions about this progress update please contact [email protected]
  • If you have questions about accessing the Alliances workspace on Kahootz please contact Hannah Fox, Pogramme Manager – Cancer Alliances (Strategy & Engagement) National Cancer Programme Operations & Information NHS England Skipton House | 80 London Road | London | SE1 8UG Mobile 07702 408 502
  • Received a communication from NHS England North around the proposed approach to the release of cancer transformation funding in 18/19
  • The suggested approach is as follows:
    • Decision to release funding to be based on actual cancer 62 day performance (average of last 3 months) – we anticipate Q1 would be based on October to December average performance
    • Proportion of transformation funding to be held back if performance is below 85% during the 3 months
    • Personalised 2018/19 implementation plans to be developed for each Alliance to include:
      • Any required actions on 62 day performance
      • Priority focus on 2018/19 planning guidance deliverables
  • Once an Alliance meets the standard, the proportion of funding that was previously held back will be released  Same principles to be applied to all Alliances
  • It is expected that funding would be allocated on a tiered approach; those achieving the 62 day standard will receive 100% allocation, those achieving 80-85% standard would get 75% and those achieving less than 80% would only get 50% of their transformation funding. The proposed approach is expected to be signed off at PDG on 28th February.
  • We are aware that this may have serious implications for delivery of transformation programmes, particularly for those Alliances who have already committed to funding transformation staff until March 2019 and
    have raised these risks, among others with the National team. We are keen to understand the full extent of the potential impact that this approach would have on each Alliance. We will try to organise a call with the National Cancer Programme Director so that we can allow you to discuss any potential risks ahead of PDG.
  • The HCV Cancer Alliance responded the following:If the proposed approach for funding approval is taken there are serious risk/implications for the work the HCV Cancer Alliance is pursuing:1) Early Diagnosis:

The first part of the programme spend for Early Diagnosis hinged on getting staff in place to move the programmes forward and do some of the back ground work. For example, B7 project support\Volunteer coordinators\setting up the Cancer champion programme and agreeing the contract with NE Lincs Care Plus Group as well as getting Clinical leads in place, social marketing for the lung programme and some analytical and evaluation support. Most of these roles are on fixed term contracts. If the funding going forward is held back due to 62 day performance the biggest risks to the work stream are:

  • Funding for the staff already appointed to March 2019
  • Ability to establish and run the Lung Health Check programme. Any uncertainty and delays in preparing the tender and subsequent procurement of the van will significantly impact on the ability to deliver this programme before March 2019. Timescales for this are already extremely tight. Linked to this is the recent agreement by the HCV lung teams to look at the RAPID diagnostic work that Manchester have shared with a view to replicating this across HCV. This will support achievement of the 62 days standard and is the start of implementation of the optimal lung pathway. We do not want to lose the engagement and enthusiasm of the clinical teams which could happen if there is no support for this.
  • The outline business case for the roll out of FIT has just been done and people are being trained on the modelling. It will be difficult and take longer to role this out across HCV if we do not have the funds allocated from the transformation fund to do this across the whole HCV area (Hull already have funding to extend the pilot). From our discussions on Friday at the Early Diagnosis Delivery Board this has the potential to make a huge difference to patients\save money by reducing the number of people requiring colonoscopy/CT, etc. and speed up the pathway again to support delivery of the 62 day standard.
  • If we go ahead and appoint the 3 Volunteer Co-ordinators then the programme will continue but potentially not at the pace and scale as originally planned.2) Diagnostics Consolidation:
  • The procurement of an imaging system to support a networked model of pathology will be stopped (the procurement process can only take place if we have all the funding, partial funding will halt the programme altogether)
  • The procurement of a work administrator system to support a networked model of radiology will be stopped (the procurement process can only take place if we have all the funding, partial funding will halt the programme altogether)
  • These programmes support delivery of 62 day standard by enhancing diagnostics capacity.3) Treatments and Pathways:
  • The clinical engagement process for tumour sites groups for Lung, prostate and colorectal has already started. The most advanced one is the lung group which has been now operating for some time (this process also support delivery of 62 day target).
  • There is a risk here that the work will be significantly reduced/progress delayed as the trust need resources to back fill consultant time.
  • Again this supports delivery of the 62 day standard within the HCV footprint

There are also risks for ERY CCG as it is hosting the HCV Cancer Alliance. Probably the best way to minimise the risk from the CCG perspective is to halt everything which is a medium to long term commitment until we have the funds secured.

As a general comment I would say we need clarity about what we will be expected to deliver and what we will no longer be expected to be delivered as the proposed approach makes it very difficult to plan and execute medium to long term transformational change. The TF were approved in our bids for 17/18 and 18/19. It is really difficult to execute if we are subject to the funds being “unapproved” every three months.

If 62 days if the biggest priority may be we need to agree that Cancer Alliances devote all their resources and capabilities for the time being to support NHSI in helping trusts deliver on 62 day standard if this is the ask from the National team.


Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

[email protected]


  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 02 March 2018
    • Friday 09 March 2018

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

16 February 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

The programme this week has:

  • Agreed at the Awareness & Early Diagnosis Programme Delivery Board to support the launch of a tobacco campaign in media in July 2018. The Programme Executive will discuss it on 2nd March and System Board on 12 March
  • Produced in conjunction with West and South Yorkshire Cancer Alliances the Business Case for the roll out of FIT in Yorkshire and the Humber (please see business case enclosed)
  • Agreed to include in this stakeholder update the contact emails of the programme sponsors and programme managers of the 4 main work streams of the HCV Cancer Alliance programme to maximise the opportunity of people to be informed, engaged and linked up with the main activities of the Alliance. These are:
  • Approved the recruitment of 4 Project Managers Band 7 and 1 Project Manager Band 8a. People already working in the health system interested in secondment opportunities please contact the Programme Director Rafael Cicci at [email protected]
  • Invited key stakeholders in the health system to the cancer improvement event on 13/03/18 in 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR organised by NHS England North Region. The event is aimed at Cancer Alliances and GM Cancer Vanguards
  • The aim of the event is to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to build energy for change and co-design an improvement programme that will create a platform to facilitate delivery of mutually identified priorities to bring about the following objectives:
    • A combination of strong stakeholder engagement (formal & informal) to enable change
    • Renewed energy for change
    • Co-production of an outline plan that will be the framework to enable an improvement movement to happen
    • Agreement of identified short and long term outputs and mutual priorities

The HCV Cancer Alliance has 15 places allocated. If you want to participate please email PENNINGTON, Charlotte Pennington ([email protected]) before Friday 23rd February 2018

  • Received confirmation from NHS England in relation to the current position on the use of FIT testing in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients
  • This update is ready to view/download on the Cancer Alliances workspace: =DOCCreated1&FID=10820016 (National guidance and documentation > Clinical advice for Alliances) Please cascade to your clinical colleagues as required. If you have any questions about this progress update please contact [email protected]
  • If you have questions about accessing the Alliances workspace on Kahootz please contact Hannah Fox, Pogramme Manager – Cancer Alliances (Strategy & Engagement) National Cancer Programme Operations & Information NHS England Skipton House | 80 London Road | London | SE1 8UG Mobile 07702 408 502
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 23 February 2018
    • Friday 02 March 2018

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

9th February 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

The programme this week has:

  • Produced and distributed the first draft of the Exception Report for discussions at the System Performance Assurance and Monitoring (SPAM) Group on 19th February 2018
  • Agreed to include in this stakeholder update the contact emails of the programme sponsors and programme managers of the 4 main work streams of the HCV Cancer Alliance programme to maximise the opportunity of people to be informed, engaged and linked up with the main activities of the Alliance. These are:
  • Attended the Cancer Roadshow held in Leeds on 7 February in which we discussed the following:
    • There have been significant changes to the Cancer Outcomes and Services Dataset (COSD) for providers and version 8 of the COSD is being implement (see item 1 below).
    • There still appears to be some confusion regarding breach allocation and IPTs. We input about how to improve the allocation formula
    • The 28 day Faster Diagnosis Standard testing continues
    • There is still no process in place for Cancer Alliances to have access to the new CWT Systems.
    • Cancerstats 2 is being launched soon (this will be a soft launch, slow roll out) and the presentation suggests it could be user friendly and a useful source of information for us. We have invited PHE to attend a CA Team meeting on Tuesdays and demonstrate the potential of the system.
    • PHE can provide Cancer Data on request but will need a suitable leadtime to complete any requests.
  • Submitted to NHS England North Region the two Programme Initiation Documents for Risk Stratification and Recovery Package by the deadline on 7th February. This is part of the HCV Cancer Alliance bid for transformation funds for £850k for financial year 2018/19
  • Invited key stakeholders in the health system to the cancer improvement event on 13/03/18 in 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR organised by NHS England North Region. The event is aimed at Cancer Alliances and GM Cancer Vanguards
  • The aim of the event is to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to build energy for change and co-design an improvement programme that will create a platform to facilitate delivery of mutually identified priorities to bring about the following objectives:
    • A combination of strong stakeholder engagement (formal & informal) to enable change
    • Renewed energy for change
    • Co-production of an outline plan that will be the framework to enable an improvement movement to happen
    • Agreement of identified short and long term outputs and mutual priorities
  • The HCV Cancer Alliance has 15 places allocated. If you want to participate please email PENNINGTON, Charlotte Pennington ([email protected]) before Friday 16th February 2018.
  • Participated in the Communities of Practice workshop held in London on the 8th of February. The event gathered all Cancer Alliances and vanguard sites. We discussed and sought consensus around the best practice pathways for Lung, prostate, colorectal and upper GI
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 16 February 2018
    • Friday 23 February 2018

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

2nd February 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

The programme this week has:

  • Set up 2 additional Cancer Champions training days for February 2018
  • Organised a Diagnostics demand and capacity workshop which is scheduled for the 28th February 2018
  • Created a Cancer Care Review Pack (CCRP) by the Task and Finish Group
  • Met at the Lung Pathways Action Group on 2nd February 2018. We discussed the creation of a Tumour Site Clinical Group (TSCG) to implement the Optimal Lung Pathway within the HCV Cancer Alliance footprint. We also discussed potential reconfiguration of services and explored options with lead chest clinicians, radiologists and cancer managers from the three acute providers
  • Supported Public Health England (PHE) which is launching a national campaign to raise awareness of symptoms of breast cancer in women over 70 (please see leaflet enclosed)
  • Developed the first draft of the HCV Cancer Alliance Transformational Aspirations Report
  • Held our monthly Programme Executive meeting. We discussed and agreed allocation of projected underspends from delays in recruitment according to internal bids within the Alliance as well as support for Programme Delivery Boards and process to develop an HCV Cancer Alliance workforce strategy
  • Participated in the discussions at NHS England North Region Cancer Board to hold a cancer improvement event on 13/03/18 in 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR. The event is aimed at Cancer Alliances and GM Cancer Vanguards
  • The aim of the event is to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to build energy for change and co-design an improvement programme that will create a platform to facilitate delivery of mutually identified priorities to bring about the following objectives:
    •  A combination of strong stakeholder engagement (formal & informal) to enable change
    • Renewed energy for change o Co-production of an outline plan that will be the framework to enable an improvement movement to happen
    • Agreement of identified short and long term outputs and mutual priorities

Please see enclosed slides. The HCV Cancer Alliance has 15 places allocated. If you want to participate please email PENNINGTON, Charlotte Pennington ([email protected]) before Friday 16th February 2018.

  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 09 February 2018
    • Friday 16 February 2018

Rafael Cicci Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

January 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

Since our last communications update the programme has:

  • We have been supporting our organisations to improve services, particularly in relation to the national 62 day performance target (more information here).
  • The performance of Humber, Coast and Vale’s organisations against the key target has been steadily improving over the past three months (September to November 2017). Performance in November 2017 was almost 80% (79.94%)
    across Humber, Coast and Vale.
  • We have developed a Cancer Dashboard report to be discussed and agreed at the next System Performance and Monitoring (SPAM) Group meeting and System Board meetings on 15th January 2018.
  • We have continued to work on the diagnostics capacity and demand analysis (to help us identify opportunities for improving cancer diagnosis across the region). A final report is expected by the end of January 2018.
  • We have continued the tripartite weekly meetings (NHS England, NHS Improvement and Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance)
  • We confirmed a start date for our new Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Manager, who will join the team in the first week in April and will be supported by a Communications Assistant (Engagement).
  • We have worked with the Yorkshire and the Humber Cancer Clinical Network to develop an outline business case to support the early implementation of a regional faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) service in conjunction with the three constituent Cancer Alliances (South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw & North
  • Derbyshire, West Yorkshire & Harrogate and Humber, Coast & Vale). Further
    details of this available in separate briefing (available on request).
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    Friday 19 January 2018
    Friday 26 January 2018

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

26th January 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

The programme has:

  • Supported the audit of current lung pathway (lead by cancer managers in NLAG, Hull and York)
  • Received comments from Stuart Baugh at the HCV Treatment and Pathways Delivery Group
  • Planned to discuss outcomes of audit and ‘Lung Event’ at Lung Cancer Action Group (Clinical Group) in February with a view to producing an action plan to achieve Optimal Lung Pathway  Supported the audit of current prostate pathway (lead by cancer managers in NLAG, Hull and York)
  • Received initial comments from Iain Chalmers from the HCV Treatment & Pathways Delivery Board
  • Planned to hold further discussions of audit outcomes at the Treatment and Pathways Delivery Board in February
  • Held discussions with secondary care cancer clinical leads regarding the creation of Tumour Site Clinical Groups (TSCG) in cancer site priority pathways (which would include both Lung and Prostate)
  • Discussed costs of running each TSCG per annum which have been estimated to be circa £30k. These figures are being considered by HCV Cancer Alliance
  • Continued to develop the Cancer Dashboard Report
  • Developed first draft of Exception Report for SPAM Group
  • Finalised the training of the first group of cancer champions in North Lincolnshire

“North Lincolnshire Cancer Champions”

  • Supported Macmillan in the promotion of the animated video project aimed at demonstrating the benefits of patient involvement (please see enclosed leaflet)
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 02 February 2018
    • Friday 09 February 2018

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

19th January 2018 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

During last week the programme has:

  • Held the first SPAM Group meeting on Monday 15th January 2018
  • Agreed with providers and commissioners the Alliance role in supporting delivery of cancer dashboard indicators at system level while the role of performance monitoring the system remains with NHSI
  • Produced its first management accounts report and financial projections for 2017/18 year end
  • Continued the tripartite weekly meetings (NHSE/NHSI/Alliance)
  • Continued to develop the Cancer Dashboard report
  • Agreed the production of Exception Reports for the SPAM Group meeting to be held on 19 February 2018
  • Held its System Board meeting on 15th January 2018
  • Approved RAG Criteria
  • Progressed recruitment process. Job offers were made for 1.6 WTE of project managers at band 7
  • Band 8a interviews scheduled for 22 January 2018
  • Agreed to advertise for more project managers at band 7 and 8a
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 26 January 2018
    • Friday 02 February 2018

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

December 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

In the last 2 weeks the programme has:

  • Recruited a Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Manager to ensure we can engage and involve people in our plans effectively
  • Discussed with NHS England and NHS Improvement how we work together to ensure we are delivering on the 62 day waiting time standard for Cancer across Humber, Coast and Vale and provided performance information to the
  • National Cancer Board
  • Agreed a way forward for the Hull and East Riding Locality Group
  • Held the “Improving Lung Cancer Care” stakeholder event on 1st December 2017; bringing together clinicians/nursing teams, commissioners, GPs and primary care staff and patients and carers. At the event we discussed:
    •  Learning from the Manchester pilot project delivering the Lung Health
      Check Programme
    • Dr Dan Jones’ research into primary care significant event analysis
    • Current provision of lung cancer services in Humber, Coast and Vale
    • Next steps for improving lung cancer care in Humber, Coast and Vale.
    • Agreed a process to re-prioritise spending within the programme in case any projected underspend is confirmed by early January 2018
    • Started an activity modelling exercise as a result of the delivery of the Alliance main projects
  • Agreed a detailed work plan for the Diagnostic Consolidation programme
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 12 January 2018
    • Friday 19 January 2018

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

24th November 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Had its first NHS England, NHS Improvement and HCV Cancer Alliance weekly tripartite meeting.
  • Discussed governance arrangements and potential way forward for the three locality programme groups
  • Agreed a deputy commissioning representation for the lead commissioner at the Cancer Alliance Board and communications with all commissioners at the Commissioning Collaborative forum
  • Continued to develop the cancer dashboard for the next Programme Executive meeting on the 1st December 2017
  • Agreed that detailed programme plans that are ready to go to Programme Executive
  • Discussed with NHS England and NHS Improvement the Cancer Alliance role in system and particular with Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
  • Continued recruitment to strengthen the programme management team and agreed management accountant support
  • Registration for the Improving Lung Cancer stakeholder event on 1 December 2017 is now live on Eventbrite. This event is open to lung cancer clinicians/nursing teams; commissioners; GPs and primary care staff; patients and carers.
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 01 December 2017
    • Friday 08 December 2017

Rafael Cicci
Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

An image of the Humber Bridge, taken at sunrise from below the bridge on the Hull side of the estuary. The fields behind the South Bank can be seen in the distance, on the other side of the water.

3rd November 2017 Stakeholder Updates

By Stakeholder Updates

As part of the Programme Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy the programme team is keen on keeping the stakeholders in the system well informed on the latest developments. We will do this by sending brief updates systematically to all those involved in delivering the best possible care in cancer services within the Alliance footprint.

This week the programme has:

  • Had the first Programme Executive on 03 November 2017
  • Continued to monitor and support the delivery of the 62 day waiting standard
  • Agreed new TORs for Programme Board, SPAM Group and Programme Executive to be included for consideration at the next programme Board on 13th November 2017
  • Had the LWAB Delivery Board meeting on 30 October 2017
  • Had initial discussions around a roadmap to an Accountable Care System and its implications for cancer. Topic to be presented at the next Board meeting by STP Programme Director
  • Started financial modelling work to determine the financial impact for the health economy of the transformation elements of the programme
  • Preparations for the improving lung cancer stakeholder event on 01/12/12 are ongoing. An event registration page has been created on Eventbrite and will be circulated this week. The workshops will help support the Treatment & Pathways work stream
  • It was discussed and agreed that due to the event being a clinical forum that patients will not be invited to attend this Tim invite patients this time. There are a number of future opportunities lined up to engage with patients and ensure their voices are heard
  • Next stakeholder updates will be on:
    • Friday 10 November 2017
    • Friday 17 November 2017

Rafael Cicci

Director – HCV Cancer Alliance Programme

Email: [email protected];

Mobile: 07564157793

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