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Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Awareness of cancer and its symptoms is one of the keys to early diagnosis. Early diagnosis can save lives. Read here about some of the awareness and early diagnosis work taking place in Humber, Coast and Vale.

Headshot of Margaret Allbones, a cancer survivor who shared her story with us. She is smiling, looking slightly to the right of the camera, and wearing a black jumper. She has cropped blonde hair and is wearing small gold hoop earrings.

Noticing what’s normal: Margaret’s story

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Personalised Care

Mum, grandma and former Medical Secretary Margaret didn’t experience any pain before her cancer diagnosis but still booked an appointment with her GP. Here, Margaret describes her cancer journey and highlights the importance of noticing whether a symptom is ‘normal’ for you.

My cancer diagnosis came as a shock. I felt well. I didn’t have a sore throat or any pain in my mouth, and I wasn’t experiencing any problems swallowing. The only thing different was that I felt like I had a hair in my mouth and needed to swallow more often. The symptom was persistent, so after a couple of months, I used a mirror to look into my throat, where I saw what looked like a tiny eye or shiny circle, and immediately booked an appointment with my GP.

Headshot of Margaret Allbones, a cancer survivor who shared her story with us. She is smiling, looking slightly to the right of the camera, and wearing a black jumper. She has cropped blonde hair and is wearing small gold hoop earrings.

Margaret’s symptom was persistent, unexplained, and unusual for her. Talk to your GP if you’re experiencing a symptom that is any of these.

My GP referred me to a consultant who, within 10 days, organised for me to attend the hospital as a day case and have the tonsil removed. Another 10 days after that, I saw the consultant again to receive the results of a biopsy on the tonsil. The consultant informed me it was cancer, more specifically, a lymphoma. My official diagnosis was a first-grade non-Hodgkin large cell lymphoma that had been caught early.

A couple of weeks later, I went for chemotherapy. In the end, I only had two sessions of the chemo, as it made me feel really unwell, and the results proved another session wouldn’t benefit me that much. Instead, I had radiotherapy a few weeks later.

Since my cancer diagnosis, I’ve tried to remain positive and keep looking forward. My role model has been my younger sister, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six months before my own diagnosis. Like me, she didn’t have many symptoms – only an itch for a week or so. She has since had an operation and is now doing well.

I lost a lot of weight because of my tonsillectomy, chemo, and radiotherapy, and have experienced other side-effects such as a sore throat, mouth, and neck. Most of my other side effects have disappeared. I’m slowly getting back to a healthy weight and have been drinking nutritional supplement milkshakes to help. I began to experience extreme tiredness after undergoing x-rays, blood tests, a colonoscopy, and taking steroids to treat a cough I’ve had since my chemotherapy. I’ve stayed in touch with my Macmillan nurse, a dietitian and my GP practice nurse throughout everything.

I have COPD and diabetes, which have both made me feel weak, but since beginning to take long daily walks on the seafront, I’ve felt so much better. I still have the cough, but I’m using medication and a Flutter to manage it. I’m also having B12 injections and taking iron tablets to reduce my tiredness.

I have been continually checked on by health professionals, and the questions they asked ensured I informed them of anything and everything that was not normal to me. They never made me feel guilty about asking questions or getting in contact a lot. Everyone was helpful and caring. They let nothing go unchecked, which is what revealed my B12 deficiency – it may have gone unnoticed for some time otherwise.

My advice to others in my position would be to stay positive and see the future as something to look forward to – always keep the little things in mind. You can’t expect every day to be good so listen to your body. If you need to sit down or sleep – do so.

Always remember to talk to your GP about any problems or symptoms concerning you and get help when you need it!

If you’re experiencing a persistent ache or pain, unexplained weight loss, or an unusual lump. Speak to your GP. Remember, if it’s persistent, unexplained, or unusual for you, it’s important to get it checked.

Over 2,020 Cancer Champions are helping to encourage early detection of cancer in Humber, Coast and Vale region

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Over 2,020 Cancer Champions are helping to raise awareness of the symptoms of cancer and encourage early detection of cancer across Scarborough, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, Vale of York and North and North East Lincolnshire.

Detecting cancer early can increase chances of survival and the HCV Cancer Alliance’s Cancer Champion Programme aims to teach people about the early signs of cancer, and equip them with the information needed to engage in conversations about cancer.

Cancer Champions are able to use the knowledge gained from a free 90 minute session, to encourage their friends, family and colleagues to contact their GP if they are worried about a symptom of cancer, promote uptake of national cancer screening programmes and encourage healthy lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer awareness sessions have been delivered in local schools, businesses, community venues, and more recently online. In August 2020, HCV Cancer Alliance introduced virtual sessions after face-to-face training was paused as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Emma Lewin, Volunteer Co-ordinator for the programme, explains: “We started delivering face-to-face awareness sessions in September 2018 and had set a goal of reaching 2,020 Cancer Champions in 2020. However, during the first wave of the pandemic all sessions were paused until further notice and we had to adapt in order to continue the programme and keep sharing the important messages about knowing your body and what is and isn’t normal for you.

“By introducing virtual sessions, we were pleased to be able to continue increasing the number of people in the HCV area equipped to have those potentially life-saving conversations within local communities.”

The programme has received positive feedback from participants, with one Cancer Champion saying: “This really opened my eyes and made me realise how important it is to educate yourself, your loved ones, friends and the public on cancer and possibly catch it earlier to save someone’s life.” Another recently trained Cancer Champion said: “Given how common cancer is, it made me really think about how little I talk about it with family and friends.”

To sign up for a free 90 minute cancer awareness session or to find out more, visit

Headshot of Dr Vince Rawcliffe. He is smiling and looking into the camera, wearing a blue and white pinstripe shirt.

Health care professionals urge people in Humber, Coast and Vale to contact their GP about symptoms of lung cancer

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and health care professional across Humber, Coast and Vale are urging the public to contact their GP if experiencing symptoms of lung cancer.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of people speaking to their GP about potential symptoms of lung cancer decreased which resulted in the number of urgent cancer referrals falling to 36% in April 2020 when compared to 2019.

While the number of lung cancer referrals is back up to 65% of pre-coronavirus levels, there are still people with worrying symptoms not contacting their GP. This may be partly because the symptoms of lung cancer are very similar to the symptoms of coronavirus.

Headshot of Dr Vince Rawcliffe. He is smiling and looking into the camera, wearing a blue and white pinstripe shirt.

Dr Vince Rawcliffe, GP Lead for Cancer at NHS Hull CCG

Dr Vince Rawcliffe, GP Lead for Cancer at NHS Hull CCG explains,

“Early symptoms of lung cancer and the common symptoms of coronavirus are similar and we understand why people might be hesitant to contact their GP about these symptoms.

“A persistent cough or breathlessness, coughing up blood, unexplained weight loss and tiredness or an ache or pain when breathing or coughing are all early signs of lung cancer. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, please give your GP a call. The sooner you tell us about these symptoms, the sooner we can help you.

“If you’re suffering from a high temperature, a new, continuous cough that feels dry, breathlessness or a change in your sense of smell or taste, it may be coronavirus. Book a test and self-isolate until you’ve received your results. If your results are negative and your symptoms persist, book an appointment with your GP.“

Early diagnosis of cancer can often mean treatment is simpler and more effective. 70% of lung cancer patients will survive for at least a year if diagnosed at the earliest stage.  However, research has revealed that almost half (48%) of the public would delay or not seek medical help at all about a potential cancer symptom.

Image of Dr Stuart Baugh standing in front of a brick wall. Stuart is wearing a suit and is looking at the camera smiling.

Dr Stuart Baugh, Clinical Director for Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance

Dr Stuart Baugh, Clinical Director for Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance said,

“We want to help anyone experiencing symptoms of lung cancer. It’s important we see you early when treatment may be more effective.

“If you are invited to visit the hospital for an x-ray appointment, please attend. There are a range of measures in place to make it safer for both you and staff including PPE and COVID-19 secure areas. The NHS is still here for you and from the start of the pandemic in March to the end of August, 93% of people urgently referred for cancer were seen within 2 weeks.”

Meet the Team: Cancer Champions

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Cancer Champions

Over the last two years, Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance have helped to raise awareness of cancer by delivering free Cancer Champion awareness sessions to over 2,000 people across the Humber, Coast and Vale region.

Here you can find out more about the trainers behind the programme, as Emma, Zoe and Sarah share information about the programme, their roles and what it means to be a Cancer Champion.

Photo of Emma Lewin, volunteer co-ordinator is stood in front of a brick wall holdig a photo prop of the Cancer Champions logo. Emma is looking at the camera and smiling. She has blonde shoulder length hair, a fringe and glasses. She is wearing a pink top and grey trousers.

Emma Lewin
Volunteer Co-ordinator

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I have worked for the NHS for 8 years in administrative roles after working in the private sector in a variety of industries. I received a Business Administration degree last year (quite a few years after leaving school at the age of 16).

I have a 10 year old daughter and was very proud when she was telling me about the nurse coming to her school to talk about “body changes” and they mentioned about breast checking and how important this is. She told them, “I already know about this, as mummy talks about doing this in her job”.

What is the best part of your job?
I have loved getting out and about to deliver the Cancer Champion sessions around Humber, Coast and Vale area over the last 2 years and have met hundreds of people, helped make them aware about the early signs and symptoms of cancer and heard their stories.

During the first lockdown, we were able to develop our Cancer Champion workshops so that we could continue to deliver them albeit virtually, so that we can continue sharing the important messages about cancer and screening.

What does delivering Cancer Champion awareness sessions mean to you?
I was diagnosed in 2002 with a benign brain tumour and received stereotactic radiotherapy which shrank it in size and meant that no further treatment was required. I also have friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer and this is something that inspires me to want to help more people to be aware of those early signs and symptoms of cancer and help them to seek assistance early.

If you share one piece of advice about cancer, what would it be?
Know your body – what is “normal” for you and be aware if anything changes; a lump that appears, a cough that doesn’t clear or sudden weight loss/gain without trying and that if something changes to seek medical assistance.

Sarah Patten
Project Officer

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I joined the Cancer Champion programme in 2019 after my best friend was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She was only 36, had two young children and was recently separated from her husband. I’ll never forget her words “I have breast cancer, I’m scared I’m going to die”. Thankfully the cancer hadn’t spread and I supported her through her cancer treatment, seeing first hand, the impact her diagnosis had, on both her and her family. It was at the same time I learnt that 1 in 8 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.

As a Cancer Champion trainer, I love being able to inspire people to feel confident talking about cancer and to promote the importance of the NHS cancer screening programmes, all of which aim to detect cancer at an early stage.

Photo of Sarah Patten stood in front of a brick wall. Sarah has short dark hair and is looking at the camera smiling. She is holding a photo prop which is of an enlarged Cancer Champion logo.

What is the best part of your job?
Receiving the ‘Cancer Champion Pledges’ after each session.   It’s fantastic when you read what impact the session has had and reading how Cancer Champions plan to use their ‘new’ knowledge about cancer, signs and symptoms and to share our vital cancer messages. A great example, “I pledge to encourage my children to get into good habits of self-checking themselves on a regular basis and to continue to do so. I also now have the information and knowledge to talk confidently and sign post people I come into contact with regarding getting checked out when necessary.”

What does delivering Cancer Champion awareness sessions mean to you?
I feel extremely privileged to be able to support people to recognise the early signs and symptoms of cancer, and truly believe that our programme of awareness makes a huge difference, enabling people to detect cancer as early as possible. It’s fantastic to be able to embrace the new ‘virtual’ world of delivering Cancer Champion awareness sessions, allowing us to reach many more people over a large geographical area.

If you share one piece of advice about cancer, what would it be?
Try to surround yourself with a network of people who remind you regularly how fantastic you’re doing, who encourage you to share how you’re feeling, remind you to celebrate the good days and accept there will be bad days. #itsokaytonotbeokay

Photo of Zoe Bounds standing in front of a brick wall. Zoe is holding a photo prop of the Cancer Champion logo. Zoe is smiling and has shoulder length, dark, hair.

Zoe Bounds
Project Officer

Tell us a little bit about yourself
First and foremost I’m a Mum to 4 amazing children. I’m an ex special needs teacher and twice cancer survivor having had Ovarian cancer in 1995 at the age of 17 and Breast cancer in 2013 at 35. I originate from the Midlands and brought my children up in Cornwall. Whilst I miss the Cornish beaches, I’m very much at home here in York, especially having found a couple of stunning beaches on the Yorkshire coast.  I run a local breast cancer support charity in my spare time and my weekends are spent walking my dog Riley, watching my son play football or cooking with my daughter. I can bake far too well and I crochet not well enough.

What is the best part of your job?
Making a lasting, often life-long impact on people’s lives. The messages we deliver can be passed out far and wide as well as down the generations and have the potential to save many lives. Recently, I had a message from someone had heard me speak about cancer awareness. She wrote “A few months ago I found a lump. Thanks to you I knew how to check. It turned out it was ‘just’ a cyst but if it hadn’t been for you I might not have known to check myself regularly. I just wanted to say thank you and keep doing what you do”. This is all the evidence I need to continue to have a passion for spreading cancer awareness.

What does delivering Cancer Champion awareness sessions mean to you?
It’s personal. I often joke that I’m so fed up of cancer forcing its way into my life that I have taken this job to gain some control over which area of my life it is involved with… but seriously, I do want to combine my cancer experiences with my teaching skills to try and limit the amount of people who have similar experiences to mine as both my cancers were found at stage 3, so my treatments have been gruelling and left me with lifelong side effects, as well as seriously impacting on my family and friends around me.

If you share one piece of advice about cancer, what would it be?
Cancer isn’t going away any time soon, so let’s protect ourselves with the information we need to spot cancers at the earliest possible stage, so that they can be treated less invasively and have the most successful outcomes. I’m sure we’d all agree that cancer isn’t the most cheery of subjects, but knowing that 1 in 2 people in the UK will develop cancer in their life time and that more than 50% of people diagnosed with cancer survive it, clearly shows that cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence anymore.

The Cancer Champion team do our best to make the session light and add some humour and we know it’s well received. One of our recently trained Cancer Champions told us “In those short 90 minutes I leant so much about cancer and also really enjoyed myself – something I didn’t expect with such a serious topic!”

Become a Cancer Champion

It’s easier than you think to make a difference. Take part in free a 90 minute cancer awareness session and learn how to spot the early signs and symptoms of cancer.

Sign Up

Famous faces urge public to speak to their GP about potential cancer symptoms

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Linda Nolan and Bill Turnbull are among the celebrities with cancer who have joined NHS doctors in urging the public to come forward for important checks.

The call comes after concerns were raised that people have delayed seeking help due to the coronavirus pandemic. It has been shown in the past that celebrities opening up about their cancer diagnoses has led to increases in referrals. Nearly half of the public have said they had concerns about seeking help in the midst of the outbreak, while one in 10 said they would not contact their GP even if they had a lump or a new mole.

Both Linda and her sister Anne, who were part of Irish family pop group The Nolans, recently announced that they had been diagnosed with cancer within days of each other. Linda, 61, has been undergoing treatment for liver cancer, while Anne, 69, has stage three breast cancer. Another sister, Bernie, died of breast cancer in 2013 at the age of 52.

Linda, who is receiving chemotherapy at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, said: “The care I have received has been nothing short of exceptional, and I know people up and down the country have had similar experiences of the heroic work the NHS and staff are doing to continue to deliver the vital care we all need, even as they deal with the ongoing pandemic.

“So, whilst it might seem daunting, it’s important people know they can feel absolutely safe in the hands of the NHS going in for treatments.”

Hospitals have put in extensive measures so patients can get safely tested and treated, and Linda added: “If there is care or treatment you need, don’t delay, and contact your GP or NHS 111 to ask about any symptoms.

“It’s so important people get checked out when they need to. Cancer doesn’t wait, and timing is everything. It might be the very thing that makes all the difference.”

There has been a sharp drop in the number of people coming forward for cancer checks, with 141,643 referred in June compared with almost 200,000 during the same period last year.

Former BBC Breakfast star Bill Turnbull first talked about his diagnosis in 2018, which led to a 36% jump in people being referred for prostate cancer, and it is now the most common cancer in the country. He said: “Cancer is a cruel disease and unfortunately it did not disappear during the coronavirus outbreak. We know that it’s all too easy to put something like this off, but please do contact the NHS if you have any signs of cancer.”

Radio presenter and writer Deborah James, known as “Bowel Babe”, has been sharing her experiences about safely continuing treatment at the Royal Marsden on Twitter. She said: “While coronavirus is the new big C in everyone’s lives, it doesn’t stop cancer killing people, too. It’s still a threat and not just for those who are already diagnosed – you must check yourself for symptoms.

“For anyone who is worried about having their treatment during this time, the NHS is still there for people like me and you – it might look slightly different but the staff and the care remain the same.”

Professor Peter Johnson, NHS clinical director for cancer, said that waiting to get help can have serious health consequences now and in the future.

He said: “We cannot let Covid become a reason for people not to get checked for cancer – NHS staff up and down the country have worked very hard to make sure that tests and treatment can go ahead quickly and safely.

“Cancers are detected earlier and lives are saved if more people are referred for checks, so our message to you is to come forward – it could save your life.”

Head and shoulder photo of Dr Rumina Önaç, GP and Green Impact for Health lead at The Old School Medical Practice. Dr Onac has her black hair tied back and is wearing glasses. She is looking at the camera and smiling.

Vale of York GP shares experience of adapting to change during coronavirus pandemic

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Dr Rumina Önaç, GP and Green Impact for Health lead at The Old School Medical Practice in York has shared her detailed experience of caring for patients during the coronavirus pandemic.

In a blog article posted on the NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) website, Dr Önaç gives an open account of the challenges, irritations and positive outcomes which have impacted on how the primary care environment works.

Head and shoulder photo of Dr Rumina Önaç, GP and Green Impact for Health lead at The Old School Medical Practice. Dr Onac has her black hair tied back and is wearing glasses. She is looking at the camera and smiling.

Dr Önaç said: “Whilst lockdown forced the swift reconfiguration of our appointment lists, surgeries worked incredibly hard to find workarounds enabling us to continue to care for patients and protect staff, despite the restrictions.

“Walking through deserted waiting rooms, seeing closed doors and ‘no entry’ signs everywhere, deliberately keeping patients waiting outside rather than welcoming them into our buildings, and avoiding physical contact wherever possible. No human touch. That goes against everything it means to be a doctor!”

However an understanding of patients’ needs has allowed Dr Önaç and her colleagues across practices in the Vale of York to keep up a positive relationship with their patients. She said:

“We’re lucky to get to know patients and families over a number of years, gaining an insight into not just their symptoms but their background, support network, and their highs and lows. This means we have a lot of very useful information to knit together when we’re trying to help patients shape solutions for whatever it is that might be worrying them.”

New ways of working have been put in place within GP surgeries, including an increased uptake of video and telephone appointments. This has enabled concerned patients to be seen without having to leave home and travel to a surgery. Dr Önaç explains some of the other ways patient care has continued:

“Medicines are being dispensed through reception hatch windows at The Old School Medical Practice, or even home-deliveries for some very rural patients up in Stillington, and plenty of consultations have been done through glass doors or windows.”

Dr Önaç also mentions those patients who will have missed the face-to face interaction with their GP practice, such as those with long term conditions, who often feel more of a benefit and reassurance from seeing their nurse or GP in person.

“Staff roles have altered, there have been lists solely devoted to ringing patients with chronic conditions to provide reassurance and offer alternatives like vitamin B12 tablets instead of 3-monthly injections, and reception staff have been key in explaining what to expect when visiting the surgery for patients who do end up coming down for face-to-face appointments. Teams have devised drive-through blood taking clinics and immunisation clinics”

Dr Önaç predicts that the overwhelming camaraderie and enthusiasm to create new ways of doing things will outlast this pandemic, a demonstration of the how well all primary care staff have adapted to new roles and responsibilities to keep primary care running as safely and smoothly as possible.

“Whatever the ‘new normal’ looks like, whenever it occurs, it’s gladdening to know that some of the changes we’ve made are truly improvements that will benefit patients and staff alike, and we should be very proud not only of Primary Care’s swift response to the pandemic, but of our subsequent and ongoing innovation.”

To read the blog ‘Dr Rumina Önaç – After the apocalypse’ in full please visit the NHS Vale of York CCG website:

Free online sessions launched to raise cancer awareness and help save lives through early diagnosis.

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Cancer Champions

Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance has launched free online Cancer Champion sessions to help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer and encourage early detection within local communities.

Individuals across Hull, York, East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, Scarborough and Ryedale can now register for free one hour Cancer Champion sessions, which teach people about the key facts, statistics, symptoms and screenings for a number of cancers.

Each week, 78 families within the Humber, Coast and Vale region lose a loved one to cancer. The Cancer Champion Programme aims to save lives by promoting healthy lifestyle choices and encouraging early detection of cancer, when treatment could be simpler and more successful.

Emma Lewin, Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Cancer Champion Programme, said: “We originally launched the Cancer Champion Programme in September 2018 and have so far trained over 1,800 people however, since the beginning of lockdown we have been unable to deliver our regular face-to-face sessions. We have now adapted our workshops to be able to offer the same service virtually.

“Cancer Champions are equipped with the knowledge needed to raise awareness about cancer, engage in conversations which could help to reduce the risk of cancer and encourage early diagnosis.

“Our online sessions are easily accessible and everyone who completes the course will receive a copy of our virtual handbook, a certificate and complimentary badge.”

Dr Dan Cottingham, Cancer Research UK GP Lead for Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance, explained why the Cancer Champion training sessions are so important: “We know that diagnosing cancer early can save lives, but during the COVID-19 pandemic fewer people came forward to speak to us when experiencing early symptoms of cancer.

“Cancer Champion awareness sessions support members of our communities to talk about cancer and encourage others to uptake cancer screening invitations or contact their GP if they have any concerning symptoms.”

The introduction of the virtual Cancer Champion training means there are now cancer awareness sessions available in all areas of Humber, Coast and Vale – with a similar service established in North East Lincolnshire.  Care Plus Group are offering virtual Cancer Champion training to individuals within North East Lincolnshire. For more information about Care Plus Group Cancer Champion training, please email [email protected]

To sign up for a Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Champion Awareness session, visit:

Carol Miller, founder of York Haematology Support group and Acute Myeloid Leukaemia survivor smiling and holding an award from the Lymphoma Association.

Visiting my GP surgery during COVID-19: Carol’s story

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Personalised Care

York Haematology Support Group founder, Carol Miller was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in 2004. Since her diagnosis, Carol has used her experience with cancer treatment to help others going through the same thing. Here, Carol shares her experience of attending her GP surgery and hospitals for tests during the coronavirus pandemic:

In October, I was admitted into the hospital for aggressive chemotherapy treatment and then discharged on Christmas Eve 2004. Luckily enough, I was in remission. I relapsed in 2006 and had another six-week stay in York Hospital for yet more aggressive chemo, and went into remission again.

At that point, I was offered a mini bone marrow transplant at St James’ Hospital in Leeds but, as I have no siblings, I didn’t have a direct family match, so a donor was sourced from the Anthony Nolan list. The match wasn’t 100%, so I decided not to go ahead with the transplant. Luckily, that was the right decision for me, and I am still here to tell the tale!

My husband and I have been shielding throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, but I have had to attend the GP surgery several times for blood tests. My husband has also attended a hospital appointment since the start of the COVID pandemic.

Carol Miller, founder of York Haematology Support group and Acute Myeloid Leukaemia survivor smiling and holding an award from the Lymphoma Association.

Carol after receiving the Beacon of Hope Award from the Lymphoma Association.

At the beginning of lockdown, I went into my surgery for the blood test. I was asked to park my car and remain in the vehicle; a nurse would come out to the car to take my bloods. The procedure was quick and I felt very safe attending my appointment as the nurse was wearing full PPE.

Later on, during lockdown, I had to attend a Haematology Clinic for blood tests regarding my leukaemia. As I entered the hospital, my temperature was taken and I was asked to use the hand sanitiser provided. I was also given a mask to wear whilst at the hospital. I was seen very quickly and my bloods were taken as usual. A week after my appointment, I had a follow-up telephone call with the consultant, who informed me all was well. We also scheduled in a further appointment for four months time. Once again, I felt very safe and well looked after.

For my husband’s appointment at York Hospital, I was not allowed to go into the hospital with him. That being said, he was seen very quickly and had no problems at all. The hospital was managing appointments very well, and my husband didn’t come across another patient while he was there and managed to maintain social distancing.

Throughout both the treatments, the staff wore full PPE and I had my temperature taken both times, too.

I would advise other patients to never delay contacting their GP. You will be greeted in a very professional manager, and your appointment will be very efficient and safe. Any symptoms you are experiencing are at least worth a phone call. Your GP is not too busy and would always rather you express your concerns; they are there for you. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Both my husband and I have felt very safe whilst attending our GP surgery and the hospital and we would never risk leaving things. Speaking to your GP could save your life.

My support group

Both times I was admitted for treatment, I joined clinical trials. The drugs I trialled are now being used

A photo of York Haematology Support Group, taken at one of their meetings. There are around 25 attendees and Carol Miller, founder, sits at the centre of the group, at the back.

Taken at one of York Haematology Support Group’s meetings

to help patients with their treatment, which inspired me to try to set up a support group in York. This was initially for Leukaemia patients, but it quickly grew to cover all blood cancer patients. The clinical team during my treatment were very good at dealing with my illness, but they had not been through it themselves. With the York Haematology Support Group, I’ve found a way to use my cancer experience in a way that can positively help others. Experience is a wonderful thing.

We have now been running for nine years and the group has been very successful. We have approximately 25 – 35 members attending our monthly sessions (occurring the first Thursday of the month) and have been lucky to host a variety of very interesting speakers. We are supported by the Yorkshire and Humberside Haematology Network from the University of York, who have been fantastic.

If you’d like to know more about how support groups may be able to help you or someone you know, click here to go to the Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance’s support group directory.

A graphic to advertise Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2020, occurring 15th to 21st June. The Humber, Coast and Vale logo is in the bottom left of the image.

Safely restoring cervical screening services during COVID-19

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Monday 15 June to Sunday 21 June is Cervical Screening Awareness Week and although NHS cervical screening services have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, colleagues across the Humber Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance (HCV CA) are working hard to ensure services are restored in a consistent and safe way.

Women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 49 are invited for a cervical screening every 3 years and those aged between 50-64 are invited every 5 years. During the appointment, a small sample of cells is taken from the cervix and cervical screening looks for the human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause abnormal cells on the cervix. It is not a test for cancer, it’s a test to help prevent cancer.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, some NHS cervical screening invitations or appointments were rescheduled to a later date due to operational reasons and to minimise risk to patients. However, plans are being developed to ensure NHS Cervical Screening Programme services can operate fully as soon as is safe to do so. Screening invitations are already being sent out, the first going to higher-risk individuals or anyone who has had an appointment delayed due to the pandemic.

Dan Cottingham, Primary Care GP Lead at HCV CA said:

“As cervical cancer develops slowly in the majority of cases, delaying a routine test for a short time is highly unlikely to affect most individual health outcomes. However, if you are having symptoms such as:

• bleeding between periods, during or after sex, or after the menopause
• changes to vaginal discharge

“It is important to get clinical advice. It does not mean you have cervical cancer. Please call your GP, even if you have had a normal cervical screening test. Don’t wait until you have your next cervical screen.”

For further support and advice contact the Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust Helpline (0808 802 8000) or visit:

An image of Dan Cottingham, Cancer and End of Life Lead at NHS Vale of York

70% drop in Vale of York Cancer referrals as doctors urge people to visit their GP

By Awareness and Early Diagnosis, Cancer Diagnosis and Innovations

NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and GP Practices from the Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance are working together to ensure cancer services continue safely, urging people not to delay seeking help if they notice any signs and symptoms of cancer.

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, across the Vale of York, there has been a 70% reduction in two-week referrals from GP practices to secondary care. A statistic which is extremely worrying to health professionals as they witness fewer patients making appointments to express their health concerns.

Dr Dan Cottingham, Cancer and End of Life Lead at NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group said:

Cancer hasn’t gone away because of coronavirus. There will still be people in our community experiencing signs and symptoms of cancer such as the sudden appearance of a lump, blood in their urine, or a change to usual bowel habits - and so it is vital these people contact their GP practice so a doctor can investigate and refer to a specialist if necessary.

GP appointments are still available for patients to talk through any concerns over the phone or via an online video consultation, and are working closely with cancer specialist teams at York and Scarborough hospitals to ensure urgent cases continue to be seen promptly.”

Accessing a GP has changed during the pandemic but GP practices are continuing to provide the same safe care they always have done.

People who are referred into York hospital for treatment or who are already on a course of treatment can expect the same quality of care, the way that care now looks however may have changed due to the restrictions of the pandemic.  York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has redesigned services to enable the safe continuation of quality care during the pandemic.

Laura Milburn, Head of Cancer at York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said:

It is vital that patients experiencing concerning symptoms, especially those that could be cancer, contact their GPs for assessment during the pandemic.

GP and hospital services have had to change significantly to manage the impact of the pandemic but we want to reassure patients who are referred into our hospitals for investigation that we are still providing the same quality of care, just in a different way, ensuring all the appropriate measures in line with government guidance are in place to keep patients safe when accessing services.”

To support with cancer referrals and ongoing cancer services in the Vale of York area, the Humber, Coast and Vale (HCV) Cancer Alliance has accelerated the procurement of home working stations within our region to report from home during Covid-19.

Dr Oliver Byass, Clinical Director for Radiology, Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance said:

The collaborative reporting solution sits above our independent picture archiving and communication system (PACS) and work stations within our hospitals and will allow us, as individual radiologists, to report the ‘right test first time’ seamlessly across our organisations and this is going to be transformational as to how we work in the future.

Our work in modern radiology is a lot about diagnostics and trying to get the patient diagnosis both safely and as quickly as possible and we are very fortunate that modern radiology, CT, MRI and ultrasound have amazing diagnostic capabilities.”

For more information on seeking help during Covid-19, read our blog on what to do about possible cancer symptoms.

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