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Treatment and Pathways

Cancer Alliance and Macmillan Cancer Support present KPOW! (Know the Power of Words)

By Announcements, Stakeholder Updates, Treatment and Pathways

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance has funded a new short film which highlights the experiences of people with a cancer diagnosis.  

KPOW! (Know the Power of Words) shines a light on the importance of language used by clinicians during diagnosis and treatment.   

The film, which the Cancer Alliance co-funded with Macmillan Cancer Support, received its premiere at Hull Truck Theatre on Monday 8th July. After the showing, members of the cast and crew took part in a Q & A session with the attendees.

You can now view KPOW! on the Cancer Alliance’s YouTube channel, here.

KPOW! co-stars and was written by North Yorkshire playwright Libby Pearson. In the film, Libby is one of four friends openly discussing experiences of cancer, and how the way medical and nursing staff spoke and acted towards them during their treatment and care had consequences on their emotions.  

The film also stars Allyson Kent, a former NHS worker, who lives in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Allyson was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and ovarian cancer in 2020 and is now a Cancer Alliance patient representative. 

In KPOW!, Libby, Allyson, Hannah Coysh and Rosie Hamblyn talk about their hope that negative statements can be reconsidered and reframed to be more sensitive and positive. 

Even common words such as “but”, “however”, “until” and “yet” can affect patients living with cancer. Libby, InkBlot Films and the cast hope that their film can inspire clinicians to take the time to consider how their words and actions can leave a lasting, negative impression on their patients.  

The four friends in KPOW! have all been affected by cancer in different ways. Libby lost her father to cancer, Allyson is living with cancer and is a patient representative for the Cancer Alliance, Hannah is a Macmillan doctor, and Rosie is a cancer survivor.  

As they chat about their feelings, they all reveal a shared desire for words to be delivered with kindness and compassion, using clear explanations and active language, with eye contact.

KPOW! combines humour and poignancy to deliver a very potent message of the need for understanding and respect when living with cancer.  

The film was originally conceived and commissioned as a play by Libby, specially written for a Living with and Beyond Cancer conference organised and facilitated by Macmillan GPs Dr Hannah Coysh and Dr Kate Thomas in June 2023. Although visually different, the concept of the film, directed by Jay Sillence of InkBlot FIlms, remains the same. 

Libby said: “As a theatre-maker specialising in issue-based work particularly around health and equality I believe theatre and film are such strong tools in helping people reflect on their own beliefs and behaviour. They can make a huge impact and effect positive change.   

“Making a film was new to almost everyone in the room and the nerves were palpable, but Jay and his team helped transform those nerves into a positive energy that really comes through in the film. Even though the day was long and very tiring, we’d have done it all again the next day.  

“The scenes with Allyson running were fabulous. I scouted the locations and everywhere I turned was a flooded road or a boggy field. Ally and Jay had to negotiate sheep, bogs and tooting cars, but the results are great. Jay, like Ginger Rogers, had to do everything Ally did, but backwards, without the heels! 

“I am hoping that anyone who sees the film, be they health professionals in any role, or those supporting people living with cancer, will consider what they say and how they say it. Think about the impact of words, and truly put the patient at the centre of the conversation.” 

Allyson added: “I worked in the NHS for the whole of my career and am now experiencing life as a patient. Having a cancer diagnosis is life-changing at every level, and words matter. They can give hope or cause real harm. I will never forget those words used that day, and how they made me feel. I am much more sensitive to the words people use now.  

“Normally I’m a very private person, but I want to share my story to make people think about the language they use or how a lack of words impact on patients.” 

On the making of the film, Allyson said: “What an experience! So much behind the scenes work… lighting… fluffing words! The fun of creating something together was an amazing experience and we laughed so much, even though it was a long, long day and we were tired, but we didn’t stop, we didn’t give in.   

“It was an emotional day for me as this is real, this was my story, but I am so proud of what we have achieved.”   

Lucy Turner, Managing Director of Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance, said: “We are so proud of Libby’s film, the cast’s performances and Jay’s hard work in making KPOW! The subject matter is very close to our hearts, and we are thrilled that we’ve played a part in the process of highlighting this important issue.  

We hope medical and nursing staff will take on board the words used by Libby, Allyson, Hannah and Rosie, and consider how important the language and actions they use with cancer patients are. They can stay with a patient forever.” 

KPOW! (Know the Power of Words) is now available on the Cancer Alliance YouTube channel, here. Please share across your network, particularly with frontline staff who have clinical and non-clinical contact with patients, including:

  • doctors
  • nurses
  • paramedics
  • social workers
  • care workers

2022 U16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey results published

By Announcements, Personalised Care, Treatment and Pathways

The 2022 under-16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey (U16 CPES) results have been published. Click here to view the results.

The annual national survey, now in its third year, measures children’s cancer and tumour care provided by the NHS in England.

The survey was developed to better understand children and young people’s experience of cancer, which is one of the commitments of the NHS Long Term Plan.

The 2022 survey was completed by 885 patients and parents or carers across England – a response rate of 25%. A response consists of one survey completion for a single patient, which could consist of both parent and child responses.

Children from Humber and North Yorkshire usually receive cancer care at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust or Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Some of the national findings from the report include:

  • 75% of children aged 8-15 reported that they were looked after very well for their cancer or tumour by healthcare staff, compared to 77% in 2021.
  • 89% of parents/carers rated the overall experience of their child’s care as 8 or more (out of 10), compared to 89% in 2021.
  • Parents/carers gave a mean rating of 8.99 for the overall experience of their child’s care, compared to 9.01 in 2021.
  • Parents/carers of children who were in remission or long term follow up reported a higher score (9.17) than parents/carers of children who were recently diagnosed (8.33), in watch and wait (8.69) and currently receiving treatment (8.89).
  • Overall experience scores varied from 8.86 for parents/carers of children living in the least deprived areas in England compared to 9.08 for the parents/carers of children living in the second and third indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) quintiles, 9.03 for parents/carers of children living in the most deprived areas of England, and 9.40 for parents/carers of children living outside of England.

The survey’s respondents are children who were aged between eight and 15 at the point of discharge, and parents or carers of children aged up to 15.

The publication of the under-16 results comes four months after the adult CPES results were published in July.

Funding secured for new Scunthorpe Community Diagnostic Centre

By Announcements, Cancer Diagnosis and Innovations, Treatment and Pathways

Funding has been secured for a new £19.4 million Community Diagnostic Centre to be built in Scunthorpe Town Centre.

The centre – which is due to begin offering some services to the public this winter – will be a one-stop-shop for health checks, scans, and tests, providing you with access to a range of diagnostic tests closer to home, reducing the need to come into hospital and reducing waiting times.

Chief Executive of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, Peter Reading, said: “Our priority will always be to provide our patients with excellent standards of care – and we believe that moving some of our diagnostic services out into the community will allow us to do that.

“I’m delighted to say that we have been successful in bidding for £19.4 million from the national funding Community Diagnostic Centre programme to fund the scheme and have submitted a planning application to create a bespoke hub, off Lindum Street – right in the heart of Scunthorpe town centre.

“Our plans are at a very early stage but, should our planning application be successful, we will work with our partners in Primary Care, Community healthcare and North Lincolnshire Council to build the new facility, where we will be able to offer patients tests for a range of conditions, such as cancer, heart and lung disease – including X-Rays, MRI, ultrasound, and CT scans.”

Patients will be referred to the centre by their GP or consultant, and it will operate in parallel to our diagnostic departments at Scunthorpe General for inpatients and those requiring emergency care.

This will allow us to conduct an estimated 146,000 additional checks every year, enabling us to see more patients, more quickly, reducing waiting times and helping you to access the care you need in a more timely way.

This is not only more convenient for patients but is also more efficient for staff and frees up clinician time to help further cut the waiting lists.

Alex Seale, North Lincolnshire Place Director, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, said: “One of the biggest potential benefits to you as patients would be that you’d no longer need to come onto our busy hospital site in order to have these tests carried out. Instead, you’ll be able to go to the town centre, where parking is plentiful and there are excellent public transport links. This also has the added benefit of freeing up parking for those who do need to come to the hospital.

“There are also infection control benefits, as reducing the number of people coming to our acute hospital sites naturally reduces the risk of spreading infections.

“We are very excited about the plans and the benefits they could bring to you, and we look forward to hearing whether our application has been successful.”

Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, Councillor Rob Waltham, added: “This is great news for North Lincolnshire residents and another positive note for the High Street with more Government cash backing the plans to build a new future.

“This new health centre will have a massive impact on residents’ access to critical health services, further improving health and wellbeing for thousands of people.

“It is also further good news for the town centre in Scunthorpe – a major investment, backed by government, which will drive more people into the town centre for more reasons.”

The funding for the scheme was announced today by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay, who also revealed funding had been granted for a further five Community Diagnostic Hubs across the country.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:“I have pledged to cut waiting lists and these new Community Diagnostic Centres will do exactly that. By offering checks, tests and scans closer to home, we can speed up the diagnosis of illnesses like cancer and heart disease and ensure patients get their treatment quickly.

“These centres revolutionise the way the NHS delivers care and crucially, they are saving lives.”

Mr Barclay added: “Based in the heart of communities, they are making it easier for people to access life-saving checks and cutting out unnecessary hospital visits.

“They have already made a huge difference, delivering nearly four million tests, checks and scans since the programme started in July 2021, helping to deliver on the government’s commitment to cut waiting lists.”

Dr Vin Diwakar, NHS Medical Director for Transformation, said:

“The NHS delivered a record 2.3 million diagnostic tests in March, up more than 128,000 on the previous monthly record, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our staff.

“These new CDCs will continue to increase access to care by providing vital scans, X-rays, endoscopies and blood tests closer to patients’ homes, building on the progress we have already made to drive down the longest waits and diagnose cancer earlier.”

picture of a hospital room bay with a row of beds on the right and a bay on the left with the curtain closed

Blog: Wendy Scott, the Managing Director of the Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers

By Blog, Cancer Diagnosis and Innovations, Treatment and Pathways

Hello colleagues, I am Wendy Scott, the Managing Director of the Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers, more commonly referred to as CAP – we love an acronym in the NHS, don’t we!

The Collaboration of Acute Providers (CAP) is one of several provider collaboratives operating across the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System (Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership) – others include the mental health, voluntary sector, primary care, and community provider collaboratives.

For those unfamiliar with the term, provider collaboratives are partnership arrangements involving two or more NHS trusts working at scale to benefit their populations. While providers have worked together for many years, the move to formalise this way of working gives providers the opportunity to combine resources and expertise to learn from each other and address the challenges they are facing.

The CAP consists of the four acute trusts in the our region – Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust; York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust.

“The Collaborative of Acute Providers is working to ensure that the people of Humber and North Yorkshire have timely access to the same standard of acute care and are supported to achieve their best health.”

– Wendy Scott, the Managing Director of the Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers

We have been working collaboratively in this way for some time now and by working together we have agreed an elective and diagnostic recovery plan, optimising our joint capacity to ensure we manage our waiting list.

In terms of now and the future, we will use our collective expertise and resources to ensure that people have timely access to high quality care and are supported to achieve their best health.

We will do this by:

  • Being bold and ambitious in the standards of care we want for our patients and delivering those standards consistently.
  • Working together with our communities to tackle inequalities in patient outcomes, experience and access of services.
  • Investing and developing our workforce (existing and new staff), working with partners to ensure Humber and North Yorkshire is a great place to work.
  • Being a valuable partner to work with, across the health and care sector and voluntary, community and social care sector.
  • Using our NHS resources effectively and efficiently to make sure people have access to the right treatment and care at the right time, delivered by the right staff.

It has been widely documented in the media that demand for NHS services has reached levels never seen before. We have made positive progress in recovering  services following on from the Covid Pandemic and we are exploring every opportunity to grow our capacity to meet future needs.

With that in mind members of the CAP are working together to:

  • Develop a strategic approach to clinical services focusing on vulnerable services and a strategic response to clinical networks and associated cross system working arrangements.
  • Deliver elective recovery (covering inpatient, diagnostics and cancer) to meet or exceed national benchmarks, standards and targets.
  • Deliver urgent care standards and requirements across providers and local systems to reduce variation and improve consistency of response.
  • Build capacity and capability in clinical support services to achieve appropriate infrastructure in place to delivery strategic clinical aims.
  • Establish and deliver appropriate corporate strategies to enhance integration and tackle variation including approaches to collective planning, rationalised and aligned estates/capital process and development of underpinning approaches in workforce.
  • Continue to build capacity and capability within and across HNY CAP to meet ongoing requirements.

Help for cancer patients throughout COVID and beyond

By Treatment and Pathways

Over recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to difficulty, heartache and worry for millions of people across the UK. But imagine being diagnosed with cancer at the same time, or undergoing cancer treatment knowing you are much more susceptible should you catch this potentially fatal disease.

Thankfully, the staff and patients at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, have a team of supporters looking out for them before, during and after the pandemic.

The DanKitching35 Foundation has been providing local cancer patients with activities, days out, equipment and more for almost three years now.

The charity was set up in 2017 in memory of dad-of-three, Danny Kitching, who died from an aggressive form of bowel cancer aged just 35.

In recent months, the charity and its supporters have served as a lifeline for patients spending time on oncology wards during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having previously supplied TVs and personal computers for patient use, these items really came into their own as visiting restrictions tightened and keeping in touch with loved ones became increasingly important.

But a good cuppa can also be worth its weight in gold, so the charity has continued to supply wards 30, 31, 32 and 33, plus the outpatients and radiotherapy departments, with tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the pandemic too.

And not wishing to forget the hospital’s hardworking staff, the foundation has also provided refreshments, treats and essentials for those putting themselves at risk to deliver life-saving care and treatment in the trust’s specialist oncology centre.

Bryan Birch, Danny’s father-in-law and Trustee of the DanKitching35 Foundation says:

“Chemotherapy treatment, in particular, can be gruelling, leaving people feeling really low, tired and unwell. While Danny was receiving his treatment, we saw just how important it was for him to have things to look forward to between cycles of treatment and to keep himself occupied when he had to spend time on the ward.

“Since Danny tragically passed away, thanks to the support and generosity of our sponsors and fundraisers, we’ve been able to provide items and experiences great and small to improve the lives of cancer patients and those caring for them.

“We’ve paid for short breaks for cancer patients and their families, events, days out, and personal computers which patients can use on the wards to stay in touch with loved ones.

“We’ve provided hundreds of dressing gowns and personal care packs for patients admitted in an emergency or without provisions, and then we’ve also supplied the more routine or daily comforts such as refreshments, tea and biscuits for staff and patients across the wards, outpatients and radiotherapy departments.

“Supporting cancer patients, their families and staff is our way of acknowledging the outstanding care shown to Danny and of keeping our memories of this wonderful and deeply caring man alive.”

Angie Barstow, Junior Sister on Ward 32 at the Queen’s Centre says:

“The DanKitching35 Foundation has been a great support to the Queen’s Centre in recent years, and we’ve seen first-hand the positive impact their donations have had and the benefits they’ve brought to our patients and their families.

“The past few months have been particularly difficult for us all; coronavirus has placed a significant additional strain on our hospitals and for cancer patients in particular, who are more vulnerable to the disease, it’s been a time of great concern.

“But the DanKitching35 Foundation has been a shining light for us throughout, and thanks to carefully managed and safe deliveries, coronavirus hasn’t stopped the group from ensuring our hospital patients can still access the comforts and refreshments they’ve come to appreciate.

“On behalf of all the oncology centre staff and patients, we’d like to thank the DanKitching35 Foundation for their ongoing support.”

For more details about the work of the DanKitching35 Foundation, visit  or email [email protected]

“This is how we know we’re doing a good job for our patients” Castle Hill team becomes first in country to achieve service quality standard

By Treatment and Pathways

A team of healthcare science professionals in Cottingham have become the first in the country to achieve a new standard which assures cancer patients of quality care.

Safety, treatment planning and equipment maintenance were among the areas reviewed as the Radiotherapy Physics Team at Castle Hill Hospital took part in the independent two-year pilot Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering (MPACE) accreditation scheme. MPACE independently reviews all aspects of healthcare science which underpin the radiotherapy treatment provided to patients.

Now the 36-strong team are the first radiotherapy physics team in the country to achieve service standard BS 70000:2017, assuring patients around the quality and safety of the service they’re receiving and the competence of staff delivering treatment.

Pete Colley, Consultant Physicist Lead for Radiotherapy at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said:

“Our team jumped at the chance to take part in the MPACE accreditation scheme when it was offered to us back in 2017.

“This independent assessment has looked at everything from how we staff our service to the upkeep of our equipment and the design of patients’ treatment plans.

“Most cancer patients attending hospital for radiotherapy treatment will see a therapy radiographer, but the radiotherapy physics team works in the background to deliver the technology and the crucial scientific and engineering know-how to ensure patients can receive their treatment safely.

“We know we have the best interests of our patients at heart, but now we have been awarded MPACE accreditation, this is how we know we are doing a good job for our patients.”

Around 170 patients receive radiotherapy treatment for cancer every day at the Queen’s Centre at Castle Hill Hospital, with some patients receiving daily radiotherapy sessions for up to a month at a time.

Explaining the reasons why Hull University Teaching Hospitals took part in the MPACE pilot, Richard Whitlam, Quality Manager said:

“Our medical physics department has been ISO 9001 certified for many years, but we were looking to increase levels of patient and professional assurance in the competence of our staff and quality of our service.

“Being UKAS accredited under the MPACE scheme means we now have independent evidence to show that our staff are competent and that we deliver a high quality service focused on putting patient care first.

“This can only serve to reassure our patients at what can often be a worrying or stressful time for them, and it’s a real boost for the radiotherapy physics team who have worked so hard to get to this point.”

Treatment and Pathways – Colorectal Business Meeting

By Treatment and Pathways

On 17th September 2019, Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance (HCV CA) held a Colorectal Business Meeting for clinicians and managers across the locality.

The agenda included updates from the Cancer Alliance and discussions around FIT implementation for low risk symptomatic patients across the area, which will be rolled out in HCV region by December 2019, the development of Inter-Provider Transfers guidelines for colorectal cancer patients, final details for the HCV Colorectal Operational Policy, Rapid Diagnostic Pathways and the implementation and streaming of MDT guidelines.

It was also noted that HCV CA recently took part in a nation evaluation and monitoring programme that CADEAS are running. This is the monitoring and progress of implementation of NICE DG30 guidance and HCV CA contributed through an interview, which will be published as part of a national evaluation next year.

Praminthra Chitsabesan, Colorectal Clinical Lead for HCV CA, chaired the event and said:

“Working more closely in a collegiate and co-operative way is important. Together, we aim to improve cancer care throughout the whole process – right from a patient who may or may not have symptoms, through to primary and tertiary care.

It’s not only important to improve our ability to cure patients but also to improve their abilities to live with cancer, making work around palliation and supportive care just as vital.

To this end we are trying to develop a Humber, Coast and Vale operational policy for colorectal cancer that is agreed across the whole patch and the response to the initial document at this meeting has been very good. It has allowed us to set out a stall for what we think is great care while allowing us to finesse our processes.”

A further colorectal business meeting will be held in December 2019 and will continue to build on the work plan.

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